Monday, December 3, 2012

Marge Monday: Cycle Slut

One evening, while reading in bed, Homer is pleasantly surprised to find his picture in "Outlaw Biker" magazine.

Marge is shocked to find that Homer has submitted a photo of her in their bed, sound asleep. She's been named "Cycle Slut of the Month." 

Marge: You took a picture of me when I was asleep?
Homer: If you'd been awake you would have said, "no." You can see the bind I was in.
Marge: [reading from the magazine] Her turn-ons include thievery and liquor. Her turns-offs include underpants, pedestrians, and justice -- [disgusted] Ohhh.

The publicity in the magazine lead to the arrival of the motorcycle gang, the "Hell's Satans" to show up at the Simpson's and turn their house into their clubhouse. They drink, smoke, and trash the place. And then take Mrs. Simpson as their own "cycle slut."

In the episode, the bikers claim that none of them find Marge sexually attractive. (Marge is first surprised because she thought Ramrod was attracted to her, then both relieved and saddened she is not desired by the gang). Knowing Marge's past, however, and the biker's outlaw lifestyle, one wonders if their wasn't something that went down durning Marge's time as a Hell's Satan.

Homer goes after them, and tracks the Hell's Satans — and Marge — to a campsite. After a fight with Meathook, Homer wins back Marge.

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