Sunday, November 4, 2012

Paying Rent

The landlord walked in on Robin. He just let himself in with his master key. "I didn't think no one was home," he said in a half-hearted mumbled apology. "I knocked," he added.

Robin hadn't heard. She'd been in the shower. She was standing in the hall in her towel when he came in.

"Rent was due last week," he said.

"I know," said Robin. "We're working on it."

The landlord, Larry, stared at her. His eyes were not on hers but were locked on her towel. She was dripping water and wanted to get dried off and her clothes on.

"You know, there's only a 5-day grace period," he said, flatly.

"Just give us a break," she said. "Dylan's got a construction job now, and I'm sure we can get you the rent, I'm sure, as soon as he gets his first pay check."

 "Plus the late fee," said Larry. "It's in the lease."

"We can't afford that," said Robin. Our bank account was flat empty. We'd had a har denough time just eating and the last week had been a few cans of Cambell's chicken noodle soup and a box of stale Saltines.

Things were hard as 18 year olds. We thought we owned life, but life owned us. Just coming up with first and last month rent AND a deposit had wiped out our entire savings. We had gotten married at the courthouse to save money and ended up having a reception in the backyard of her parents' house. We weren't even old enough to have beer. Yet, the bills made us feel like were were full-feldged adults. It sucked.

I thought a job would be waiting for me after graduation. I had no idea that I was technically "unskilled." I had no idea how hard the economy really was, until I couldn't even hook up a job as a bag boy at the local grocery. I couldn't get a job at the burger place, and even got passed over for a job as a morning baker of sandwich hoagies at a subshop. It would have meant a 4am start time at minimum wage, and I was willing to do it. I couldn't even get that job.

More than once we talked about moving back in with Robin's parents. But I was too proud. I wasn't going to admit to failure only a few months into being an independent adult.

"Maybe I could overlook the late fee," said Larry. He emphasized the word 'look' as he continued to stare at Robin's chest. She didn't catch his inference, and he had to spell it out for her. She told me this later.

In short, he said he'd be willing to 'overlook' the late fee if she'd give him a look at her chest. "Just a look." The first time Robin admitted this, she said she'd turned him down. Eventually, she admitted that she had, in fact, agreed.

She dind't know what else to do. And "just a look," she thought, seemed harmless. She was one of those girls who had grown up out in the country, and didn't have a lot of friends or contact with the world. She grew up a tomboy, and it wasn't until the end of high school that she really blossomed into a woman. Freshman year she was flat, tall, and awkward. Now, her body had begun to turn eyes. She was 5'8" with light brown hair, naturally curly, and green eyes. She had freckles across her nose. Her measurements, which she knew from sewing her own dresses, was 38-28-36. Her breasts had rippened to a full C cup. These were exactly what Larry wanted to see.

Robin knew e couldn't make rent. She knew a late fee added would cause a fee from the bank, and that would put us deeper in debt, and that we were already on the doorstep of eviction. So, after Larry promised only 'looking' she loosened her damp shower towel and let it fall just enough to expose her two perfectly rounded and firm young breasts.

Larry's eyes stayed fixed on them, examining her large rosynipples that had pinched up from the cold. He stood there for what seemed like 10 minutes, until she hitched her towel up again and said, "Ok, deal is a deal."

Like most bad situations, it didn't start bad. Or I guess, in this situation, it started bad, and got worse. Much worse.

R and I had gone to highschool together and started dating. We were the classic high school sweethearts. We started out together and stayed together. Other than some awkward hand-holding and maybe one or two true or dare kisses in, neither of us had any sexual experience with anyone else. It was just us. We had this Romeo and Juliet take on life. Like it was us against the world.

We could understand Larry being a lonely man. He had a dog and a TV and his beers, and that seemed to be about it. He didn't own the place, he just managed it. He got his room in exchange for collecting rent and doing basic maintenance. He'd been married, but divorced. No kids. He owned a van, which held most of his tools. We figured he did contracting work when he needed money. Mostly he just watched TV.

I got a brief job on a construction site, but was fired when they realized I had no previous construction experience. I could dig and carry stuff, but they needed framers and didn't have time to explain every single cut, and where to put each nail. The job was enough to get Larry to leave us alone until the end of the month, though. At this time I had no idea how Robin had gotten the late fee waived. I never would have known, in fact, except that by the end of the month, we again didn't have the rent.

Larry waited until he knew I was gone and then invited himself into our apartment. The conversation went as it had before, but this time, Larry explained, it wasn't good enough for Robin to show him her breasts. "I already seen them," he said. "That's not worth nuthin' anymore. I need to see something 'of value'."  Robin hesitated, but felt trapped. She was all alone with Larry, and didn't want him to get angry, or even violent. She didn't want to face eviction, and she'd already shown him her breasts, and that hadn't hurt anyone. So, reluctantly, she unbuckled her belt, unzipped her jeans, and pulled them down enough that Larry could see the triangle of light brown hair. It was matted down.

"Look at that beaver," he said. He was so old, he called it a beaver. "Now comb it out," he said. I con't see nothin' with it like that."

Robyn hesitated, but he said it sharply again, "comb it out!" It made her jump, and instantly her hand went down between her legs to comb out her long hairs.

"Now that's pretty," he said, when she'd puffed up her triangle of curls. "But it don't count if I don't see no pink."

Robyn was confused. She didn't know exactly what he wanted and just stood there in the middle of the apartment with her jeans and panties pulled down to her knees.

"Just reach down there and spread those pretty lips open for me," Larry instructed. Maybe it was because Robin was only fresh out of high school and was used to adults giving her directions and following them, or perhaps she was scared of Larry, or perhaps the situation had taken on its own momentum, but she did as he said. She tried to open her vulva so he could see her labia. She'd learned these terms in PE class, when they did the one required session of Sex Ed. But because she was standing and because she couldn't spread her legs with her jeans bunched around her knees, she wasn't able to do more than part the hair.

"It's not working," she said. She was always a hard worker, growing up on a farm, and it frustrated her not to be able to do something. At that point she wasn't think about how inappropriate it was, or that she even had rights and could have filed a report with the police. She had no idea about any of that at that point in her life. All she was focused on was that she needed to do a simple task, and was failing at it. She just wanted to get it done so it could all be over. At that point, we both still believed I'd land a full-time job any day.

"Sit down and take off your pants," Larry advised.

Robin didn't even question; it seemed like the obvious thing to do. She pulled off her pants and sat on the only peice of furniture in the room--our thriftstore couch. Free of the pants, she opened her knees wide. Then with her hands, she opened her vulva and showed larry her inner labia. He got down on the floor, only a few feet way from the couch, and stared at it intently. To her surprise, she noticed she was moist. She could even smell her own musk.

"Can I smell it?"asked Larry.


"Can I smell it?" he asked again. His voice wasnt' hard this time. Maybe even a little gentle.

Robyn shrugged. "I guess so," she said. It seemed a little perverted, but she couldn't see the harm in it.

He leaned forward and with his face only inches from her vagina, inhaled deeply. This caused him to sigh. "Man that's sweet," he said. "Been a long time since I smelled pu-tang."

He sniffed it like a curious dog, on his knees in front of her. She had both feet propped up on the couch, her knees bend and her legs wide open. It reminded her of her visit to the gyocologist. She'd gone in for her annual and to get a prescription for birth control. She'd had to put her legs in stirrups, while the doctor (a male) poked around with cold steel instruments. She didn't really see any difference between some stranger looking up into her at the doctors office and Larry getting to see the same view. Whatever, she thought.

Then Larry asked if he could taste her. He'd noticed how wet she'd become. She was soaking. And she knew it. She said no way, of course. Having him look was one thing. That wasn't even cheating. But for him to touch her--with his mouth!--gross. That was like intimate. Like was like sex.

"Forget it," she said. "No touching. that was our deal."

Larry thought about it for a moment. "Tell you what," he said. "We're even on the late fee... but if you let me taste, I'll take $100 off the rent."

"A hundred dollars!" said Robin. It might not seem like a lot of money now, but back then it was worth a lot more, and when you made minimum wage, it was really a big deal. It was what we'd spend that week on food. Robin considered this, and eventually, agreed. She braced herself for something as hard and uncomfortable as the doctors speculum. But the painful shock never came. At first she only felt Larry's warm breathing on her soft folds. It tickled a little, but was making her feel warm. Then gently, and ever so lightly, she felt a sensation on her clitoris. It was the tip of his tongue, and slowly and expertly, he circled it around her hardening pearl.

With his fingers, he gently parted her flesh, and nibbled and suckled her clit, as he gently inserted a finger into her. He curled it up and softly pressed against her inner wall, a spot that was bumpy and sensitive. She'd never heard about a g-spot, but Larry had found hers and was massaging it as he graciously ate her out.

The sensations were knew and Robin had forgotten all about who was between her legs and only about the waves of pleasure now surging through her body. To her amazement, and before she even realized what was happening, her body became to climax.

Sexually, Robin had always had an easy time reaching orgasm. She'd learned to masturbate as a young teen, and could get off even by riding a horse. Sometimes she could cum just by pressing her legs together or if she wore too tight of jeans. It wasn't a surprise that she was suddenly thrust into one of her powerful orgasms, but it was a disturbing thought that she'd just been given that orgasm by her landlord.

Larry eventually lifted up his head and smiled. His face glistened with her juices. When he stood up, the budge of his erection was strained against his polyester slacks. He unbuckled his belt and unzipped. His cock sprang out. It was much larger than anything Robin had seen. She'd only really seen mine, and she later admitted, Larry's was bigger. How much bigger, I'd ask. She explained by holding up her fist. She could wrap her hand around my cock and jack it off. With two fists together she made the jack off motion, to show how long Larry's cock was.

When Larry took out his cock, Robin's eyes got wide with panic. She thought she was about to be raped. She'd heard of that. But it never crossed Larry's mind. He was a business man, in his mind. He was ready to negotiate.

She was on the couch, naked from the waist down, her pussy wide open, wet. He could have jumped on top of her, forced his way. But that wasn't his idea of sex. That wasn't real pleasure. He wanted to savor the moment, the exploration and conquest of a young teenager. He wanted to have it be consentual. He would do her a favor in exchange for a favor. Fair is fair, in his mind.

He asked her to kiss his penis. In exchange, he'd take another $100 off the rent. She kissed it a few times. It felt good, but not what he needed. She didn't really know how to fellate. So, for another $100 off the rent, he asked her to put it in her mouth as deep as it would go, and to hold it there for a minute. She agreed and tried this, but the tip of his cock hit the back of her throat and she gagged.

He tried to show her how to put the tip in her mouth and use her hands to stroke up and down at the same time. She tried earnestly, but had such little experience, that she never really caught onto a rhythm. He was getting more and more turned on, but also frustrated.

Finally, when he realized he was not going to cum from her mouth, he stopped her. He proposed that she let him "put it in her."

"No way," she said. "That's actually sex."

"What do you think we've been having," he asked.

She was confused. She didn't know what to call it. 'Messing around,' maybe. It wasn't romantic enough to be 'foreplay.' But, she'd thought, it wasn't sex. Sexual intercourse, as it'd been described to her was when the male put his penis in the woman's vagina. That seemed a perfectly simple and understandable definition. If it went in, that was sex. If penis did not go into vagina, not sex. Of course, I didn't know that's how Robin defined sex when we first started dating. Back in high school she said she was a virgin, and I was the first boy she'd had sex with. She never mentioned that she'd given several guys handjobs before we'd met.

"It's your body, your choice,"said Larry. It wasn't the right line of argument. Robin didn't really know who had claim to her or her body. She hadn't yet tested those lines of autonomy and self awareness yet. Luckily Larry happened to say the one thing that did actually work: "He never has to know."

this seemed to make sense to Robin, or was what she could process at that moment. Judgements are often different when rushed in the moment. In hindsight, processing all the options, people often would make a different choice. But caught in a moment, not able to consider it or see it with any perspective, all Robin could think about was how she had gotten in too deep and how the only thing that really mattered is me not ever finding out. She'd do anything for me, but never wanted to hurt me.

Larry made the deal easy for her. If she'd let him put it in her, he'd waive all the back rent. We'd be free and clear of debt. Surely in the next month, Robin figured, I'd get work and we could finally start off from square one, and move forward with our lives together.

Ok, she agreed. Larry smiled. He got down on his knees in front of her open legs. She was still on the couch, legs wide. Her pussy open and still wet. He carefully and slowly positioned the tip of his cock head to her soft folds. He didn't push in for a long time. He looked down and savored the site of his cock about to penetrate a young woman. It was the ultimate conquest, his sexual fantasy finally coming true. He didn't want to rush the moment.

Slowly, ever so slowly he rubbed his cock head up and down her furry slit. This got her more wet, and each time his tip touched her sensitive clit, she wiggled. She arched her back and tried to angle her hips down to meet the flicking of his penis tip. She wan't thinking about this; her body was moving automatically, as if it'd always known how to move, how to put a penis at her enterance and slide it inside her. She really wanted to feel him inside her. The decision, and the damage had already been done. Now she just wanted to get on with it and fuck.

He reached up and began to caress her breasts through her sweater. This caused her to squirm more and to moan as he squeezed. He slipped his hands up under her sweater and pinched at her nipples. This made her squeel and push her hips up harder to try to get more than the tip inside her. Groping her, he pushed up her sweater and worked her breasts out into the open air as he allowed his hips to dip toward her groin. this caused an inch and then another to slide inside. She was soaking wet and steamy warm. So smooth and so tight. Softer than velvet. Softer than anything he'd ever felt. It really seemed like he was taking her virginity.

Robin was rolling her hips, grinding into him, wrapping her arms around his back trying to force him into her. The more he held back, the harder she clutched. She was getting frustrated and worked up, when, all of a sudden, he relaxed. With her force and his resistance suddenly gone, his cock plunged into her, all the way to the hilt. This jammed his cockhead into her cervix, shoving it against her uterus and stomach. She screamed with both pleasure and pain. "Are you ok,"he asked.

She nodded, tears streaming down her cheecks. She'd bitten her lip and it was bleeding. "Don't stop," she said.

He began to slowly rock his hips, moving in and out of her. Her young tight vagina gripped him. She was moaning now, loudly and uncontrollably. It seemed like she'd begun to cum, but he couldn't tell when her orgasm began or ended. It was as it she started one small orgasm that rolled into the next.

She was shaking and moaning, and thrashing about, but otherwise wasn't doing anything with her legs or arms. She was just letting him fuck her, and fully enjoying it. She didn't really know what she could be doing. She just loved the sensation of his penis pumping in and out. In and out.

She felt his cock begin to twitch and saw his face tighten, and knew he was about to erupt. He tried to lift up and pull out before he shot his load. He didn't know if she was on the pill. As a divorced middle-aged man, he certainly wasn't going to get a teen pregnancy on his hands. But Robin locked her legs around his hips. "Don't stop, don't stop," she said quickly and repeatedly.

She was now starting to cum hard. Her whole body convulsing. Her pussy muscles clenching his stick cock, milking it. Her firm stomach contracting. Her hands clenching his buttocks, forcing him to be deep inside her. Her hips rocking uncontrollably, grinding her clit against his pubic hair for friction. Her eyes rolled back in her head like an epileptic in a grand mal.  She couldn't even form words, just grunts from the depth of her throat.

He couldn't hold back and he began to gush years of pent up sexual loneliness and frustration into her young and accepting vagina. So much semen shot in, that it filled her and rolled back like a tide. It coated her pubic curls and dripped down her legs. It made a large wet spot on the couch.

She was so spent and exhausted that she didn't even move as Larry eventually climbed off her, hitched up his pants, and walked out. He left her sprawled on the couch, her pants in a pile on the floor and her sweater and bra shoved up over her bare breasts. She was leaking cum from her rosy and swollen pussy. It had been stretched and rubbed and was tingling and raw. So exhausted, she fell asleep like that, and had I come home an hour earlier, I would have found her like that and instantly thought that she'd been drugged and raped.

Instead, she eventually got up and showered. She started some dinner, and knew she didn't have to ration the soup and crackers because we were now cleared of back rent. She didn't feel guilty or depressed. In fact, she felt lighthearted and calm. Even blissful. She knew things were going to be ok.

Of course things never really end happily ever after. I continued to pick up temp jobs, but we struggled with rent. I didn't know how she'd help get our back rent cleared, only that she'd done odd jobs for Larry. Somehow I took this at face value, as if maybe she'd done laundry or apartment cleaning. All I knew was that the immediate desperation had lifted and we were making it day by day.

I got some seasonal work over the holidays, and that really helped a lot; we had enough for a christmas tree and even a couple gifts to go under it. But in January, I was laid off. The work froze up, and my car's clutch went out. As much as I hate to admit it, the financial strain affected our relationship. We began to argue a lot. We missed the rent in January. At that point, Robin suggested that maybe she could 'do some odd jobs' for Larry, and at least take that off our plate. Having no idea what she meant, I agreed.

She didn't fuck him in our apartment this time, she later told me. She went to his apartment. This time he wasn't the one pressing her; she was pressing him. Things could have been a lot different. Had Larry been a dickhead, he probably could have blackmailed Robin each month under the threat of exposing her. She probably would have done whatever he insisted. But he wasn't a dickhead. In fact, just having added her to his list of sexual conquests was enough. He really liked 'first times,' maintaining a relationship wasn't his thing. Perhaps one reason his marriage had failed. Once he'd "had" Robin, the appeal of having her again was diminished. He liked sex plenty, but not enough to blackmail an 18 year old. And besides, she didn't give very good head.

He was surprised that she came to him, offering herself in exchange for rent forgiveness.

"I don't know," he said. "I already hit that. And the rents not free, you know. I still have to collect it. It comes out of someone's pocket, you know. I don't want it to be mine."

"Please," Robin begged. We really were desperate. If we couldn't pay rent, we'd be evicted. We had no savings, a broken car, no full time work, and we'd be out on the street, or back in her parent's house. Looking back, I don't know why that seemed like it wasn't even an option.  Maybe it was because I'd left home at age 17. My dad was an alcoholic, and he beat me, and threw things at me and swore at me almost everyday. He called me a failure and that I'd never amount to anything. I left home, and Robin's parents, much more accepting, took me in. We'd already lived at her parents' house, and I felt I couldn't go backwards. I felt, maybe worst of all, that I couldn't prove my dad right that I was a failure. So Robin and I were dead set those years to make it work, no matter what.

She'd already offered her body once. Why not twice?

But Larry seemed, surprisingly, uninterested. She hadn't counted on this.

"It ain't worth it," he said.

"But I'll do anything," she insisted. "Anything!"

 "What do you have that I ain't had," he asked. It was a rhetorical question, but as he asked it, he realized something he hadn't thought of before. He eyes lit up. "Anything," he asked.

"Anything," Robin assured.

She stood in the middle of his livingroom. The TV was going. Larry was in his Easy-boy chair. He looked her up and down for several minutes. "Anything," he said again. She nodded.

"Take off your clothes," he said casually. There was no hint of anger, threat, or even urgency in his voice.

RObin hesitated a moment, and then mustered her courage to go forward. Whatever happened, she decided, it was her choice. Robin pulled off her sweater, and then looked at him. He didn't look up form the TV. There was a gameshow on. Robin eventually continued. She pulled her shirt over hear head and then stood in her bra. Then she took off her shoes and then jeans. She was now standing in Larry's apartment in only her bra and panties, but he hadn't looked up from the game show.

Next she reached behind her an unclasped her bra. She slipped it off her shoulders and folded it and placed it on the pile of her clothes, then, quickly, she wiggled out of her panties and was completely naked. Only at the commercial break did Larry look up.

His eyes scanned over her body. He was reminded of how lovely her bod was, how perfectly proportioned, young and ripe. He admired her triangle of thick curls, and remembered how exciting it was to smell its musk for the first time. He nodded with approval. He motioned her over. She stepped up to him, standing just in front of his chair. Her bush was eye-level with his face. She expected him to ask her to part her folds again, she began to comb her pubic hair and fluff it up in anticipation. "Turn around," he said.

Confused, she did what he requested. She was now facing the TV. The gameshow had resumed. "Spread your cheeks," she heard him say.

"I'm sorry, what?" she asked.

"Spread your cheeks," he said again. When she didn't respond, he added, "your butt cheeks."

Oh, she thought. Obviously. She slowly reached back and placed a hand on each buttocks. She sighed once deeply, giving herself the conviction to take the next step. Ok, she thought. I can do this. She pulled her buttocks apart, knowing that she was now giving him a front seat view of her butthole. She had never done this before. Not even her doctor had looked at her in this part of her.

Larry didn't say anything, but he was taking it in. He admired how brave she seemed and how unhesitant she was to fulfill his requests. She didn't seem to be ashamed of her body or bashful. He noticed how the hair that covered her puffy labia made a line up to and circled her small puckered anus.  These were smaller, lighter hairs. They looked less coarse. Softer. More sensitive. "Has anyone touched you here," he asked quietly.

"No," Robin admitted. No one had even asked before.

Larry reached up and gently brushed her small hairs around her anus. This caused her to shudder and goosebumps to rise on her bottom. "Did that tickle," he asked.

"Sort of," she said. She didn't know what the sensation was. Sensitive, but not exactly ticklish.

She felt his fingertip gently trace a circle around her butthole. The skin was so soft and sensitive. It sent shivers up her spine. The top of her head tingled.

She heard the recliner creak as it came forward and then the next sensation caught her so off guard that her knees nearly buckled. Larry dabbed the tip of his tongue against her wrinkled ring of skin. Then he inhaled and took in her scent. She was wet between her legs, and her legs, wobbly, could barely hold her upright.

"Has anyone ever done that to you," asked Larry.

"Oh my god no," said Robin. Her heart was racing and she was shaking form her head to her toes. Larry's heart was racing, too. He was now in totally virgin territory. It was the ultimate place he could be sexually for him, and knew he may never have a moment like this again in his life. He was looking at, touching, and tasting, a virgin ass. It would be his. All his. And it was inches from his face.

"Have you ever put anything in it," he asked.

"No," admitted Robin.

"Surely something," he said. She shook her head. "What about when you were young, didn't you get a thermometer back there?"

"No, we always had it in our mouth," said Robin. "I can't remember it ever going, 'down there.'"

"Haven't you ever touched yourself there," he asked. Again she shook her head. "Haven't you been curious, explored your own body?"

The truth was a little embarassing. Robin had explored her vagina, her breasts, but never her backside. To her, it always seemed a portal for biological food waste--never a sexual center. She'd always thought of it as dirty and even boring. While on the other side, she'd found great pleasure in her vagina and clitoris. From an early age, she'd learned how to rub herself and achieve powerful orgasmism. She was proud when her breasts developed and being able to fill out a bikini for the first time. But her butthole, it just seemed purely pragmatic, not at all sexy.

At that time, I was only 18. I had only slept with Robin and no other. She had never suggested any anal play and it, admittedly, never seemed like something I'd enjoy. Why go for her dry butthole when she had such a wet, willing pussy. We had barely done anything besides missionary. She had given me head, and I had eaten her out, but neither of us realized then how inexperienced, and unskilled we were. We thought we'd accomplished 95% of sex, with the remaining 5% being that "kinky" stuff that fat middle aged married people did, like bondage.

Larry had always been an ass man. Like any man, he loved big beautiful breasts. He loved licking a nice wet pussy. BUt he especially had always loved the shape and feel of a trim, tight butt. His ex-wife had an OK butt. It was a little lumpy, and a little large for her otherwise small frame. When they were married, Larry had tried to engage in anal sex. But it never worked. Each time was a fiasco. At least three times he managed to actually insert it into her, but more times she ended it before he was in. She said he was too big and that he hurt her, even made her bleed. It never felt pleasurable for her, only painful. After seven years of failing, Larry resigned himself to fact that he'd never have anal sex in his marriage. He had been so disappointed that he buried the idea so deep that he hadn't thought about it until now, as Robin stood inches form him, holding her ass cheeks wide, so her rosy ring of skin was open to his touch and his taste.

"You've never touched yourself there," he asked again.

"Not really," she said. The truth was she had once tried to penetrate herself but it didn't really feel very special and so she abandoned it and focused instead on the new discovery of her clitoris.

"Why don't you stick your finger there," he suggested.

"Ok," she said. She knew it wasn't going to be very exciting, but if that's what he wanted. She put her finger to her butthole and poked at it. "It's dry," she said.

"Here," he said. He got up and went to his bedroom. When he returned, he handed her a bottle of Vaseline. "Use this."

Robin figure it out immediately, and coated her right index finger with a glob of jelly.  She then worked it into her backdoor. She was tight, but with the lube, her finger slipped in. The jelly was cold, causing an initital shock, but soon it warmed enough.

"Move it in and out," Larry commanded.

She did as she was told. Her finger sliding in and out of her butt wasn't actually that exciting. It felt fine--but not great. Nothing too special. But she became aware that it had caused a great deal of excitement for Larry. He'd leaned back in his Lazy-Boy, and had opened up his pants. Leaning forward, peeking between her legs, she could see him. He was stroking his cock, as he watched her finger diddle her butthole. realizing that she was having a powerful effect on Larry made her want to please him even more. She became proud in the task at hand and confident that she was achieving her desired effect. For a hard-working farm girl who had always based her self-worth on external validation of performing tasks well, she was suddenly inspired by her actions to pumped her finger in deeper and hard. To really work it and give Larry a good show.

Her sudden increase of pace and fervor had its desired effect. The more she finger fucked her own butt, the more excited Larry became. She could hear him slapping his meat harder and faster. He was becoming more and more aroused, and, to her surprise, the more turned on he became, the more aroused she became. She was already wet, but now her finger, that had first felt like an awkward object inserted into her back passage was now feeling rather good. The millions of nerves were awakening, and her hips were involuntarily moving to meet the pumping of her hand.

Use two fingers, said Larry.

She slipped a second one into her butt and was pleasantly surprised at the sensation of fullness.

"Yeah, that's it," said Larry.

This lust in his voice caused her to increase her actions. She jammed both fingers into her and really worked them. It was now feeling rather good. She had to hold out her free hand to the carpet to steady herself. And when her knees couldn't take it, she dropped to all fours. She was still giving her butt a good fingering, when she noticed Larry had broken off his jacking off and was scanning the room for something.  He was looking around for something, but didn't see what he was looking for. She didn't know why he'd started looking around. then his eyes fixed on an empty Coke bottle he'd been drinking. "Here," he said, handing it to her. "Use this."

She took it but didn't know exactly what he wanted. Did he want her to put it in her vagina? in her butt? Surely it wouldn't fit. Two fingers was already twice as much as she'd ever inserted. she didn't think it was possible, but she also didn't accept failure easily. Not without a good try first. It was now apparent what Larry wanted, and so she withdrew her slippery fingers from her bum, and coated the tip of the bottle with Vaseline.

She placed the now lubed bottle on the floor. Then, straddling it, she carefully lowered herself down. She aimed the tip for her back passage. She felt the smooth cool glass pressing on her skin. She gritted her teeth adn again doubted it could actually fit. Trying to exhale and relax her muscles, she let herself drop just a bit more. The bottle pressed, not going in at all. It was feeling awkward and uncomfortable. She almost gave up, but heard once again the slow slapping of Larry stroking. She knew this was exactly what he wanted and she tried for a third time to push the bottle up her tight virgin hole.

Finally, without any hint, her butt opened up and the tip of the bottle popped in. Suddenly it was an inch inside her. She relaxed. She steadied her balance, and pushed a bit more. The first entry had been the hardest. Now that it was past her ring of tight muscles, her anal canal realized to let it slide further. Two inches. The bottle was widening as it pressed forward. Three inches. She didn't think she could take any more. With an deep exhale, she lowered herself. A final inch and the entire neck of the Coke bottle was penetrating her. she was too focused to be enjoying the moment, but she smiled, knowing she'd gotten it in as far as it was likely to go, and that Larry was pounding his meat furiously at the site of her taking the bottle up her butt. She felt extra naughty, and also extra proud. A first time for something was always a milestone. She never thought she could be doing this, but she had. She was floating on a buzz of self-accomplishment.

She was able then to slowly and carefully begin to bob up and down on the bottle. Each time she lifted her hips up, the bottle slid out about an inch; each time she dropped down, it pushed up inside her an inch. As she steadied her rhythm, she realized she was having anal sex for the first time. Not with a man, but the in and out was certainly sex, and she was, she discovered, beginning to enjoy it.

With a steady rhythm and gained her center of balance, she was able to move one hand to her pussy and she began to rub herself furiously. That was the familiar sensation she'd been longing for. Suddenly her whole body was switched on. She was now bouncing up and down, wilding impaling herself on the Coke bottle in her ass, while her hand rubbed her sticky clitoris furiously. Larry slapped his hand wildly up and down the length of his cock and together they were on a crash course to orgasm.

He couldn't hold back any longer and his globs of white creme shot into the air and splattered on her back. As she felt the warmth of his cum spray her, she suddenly began to convulse in a powerful orgasm. Her fingers had done what she'd always loved, but the fullness of the bottle in her backside intensified everything. She shook and shook with a gripping orgasm.

After what seemed like a hazy blissful dream. She opened her eyes and realized she was on the floor of Larry's apartment. The Coke bottle, slick with Vaseline and her own orgasm juices, was beside her. The TV was still playing, but it was now a different TV show.

Larry looked at her like a man pssessed. He smiled broadly."Wow," was all he could say.

She smiled back. "So, are we even with rent?" she asked. It was back to the business at hand.

Larry was not offended by the change of topic. He grinned again. "I tell you what," he said. We're even now, but you and I both know come next month, you'll be right back here again."

"That's not true," she said. "Dylan is going to get steady work, I know it."

He laughed kindly. "He's a sweet kid," siad Larry. "I can see what you see in him. But let' be honest. He's 18, has no job experience, and doesn't have a trade."

Robin was beginning to see the bigger picture. I hadn't yet. But girls mature faster than boys at that age. The reality of our situation was sinking in.

Larry had a proposition. There was only one thing left on Robin that he wanted to take. One final virginal plunge. Then he'd be done with her for good and no matter how much she pleaded, it'd never be the same as the first time. He confessed that he'd been seriously considering changing cities. He'd been in this city too long, and it held too many memories. He was, he admitted, bored of managing the apartments, and had a friend in Yuma, Arizona, who had been trying to get him to relocate. He was tired of the Oregon rain, and change, he thought would do him good. He liked new territory, sexually, and literally. He needed to go somewhere new. Always new. And so he made Robin a deal.

He told her that her anal virginity was worth a lot. Worth the most of everything sexual she could offer a man. He told her not to part with it lightly. But, he said, he'd make her a deal as special as her virginity. "It's clear you really love Dylan," he said. "I could see that. No woman puts herself out there and takes one for her guy if she doesn't really truly love him. I can tell you'd do anything for him."

"That's true," Robin admitted.

So Larry laid out his proposition: if she would willingly surrender her anal virginity to him, he'd go ahead and move to Yuma, and arrange to have Dylan take over his job as the apartment manager. that meant the newlywed couple would no longer have to worry about rent and utilities. They'd have a place paid for, guaranteed, and Dylan could keep doing temp work as it came up to supplement their income. In fact, the regular rent collecting was managing leases and tenants was easy enough, said Larry, that Robin could probably do it 10-20 hours a week, and Dylan could take a full time job if it came up. With rent and utilities covered, they could fix the car, and begin a savings account. They could finally get ahead.

Larry's offer was everything that Robin and I had been dreaming about and working toward for almost a year now. What had been such an impossible struggle, suddenly seemed within our reach. All she had to do was let Larry put his penis in her butt. She'd already let him enter her in the front. And she'd just put a bottle in her back. She listened politely to Larry as he told her how special her anal virginity was, but honestly, she didn't see why it was such a big deal. All she cared about was our new life together. If that's what it took to get our life out of the rut we'd fallen into, then fine. As long as I never knew about it, it would be her secret. I'd never have to know. What I didn't know couldn't possibly hurt me.

So she agreed.

Larry was already half hard again with the thought of being able to take Robin's anal virginity. He had her come over to him and take him in her mouth. She tried to lick and suck him, but could hardly fit his cock into her mouth. It'd been almost six months since she'd first tried to give him oral, and she'd been practicing on me in case she ever found herself having to pay rent with her oral skills. Her oral skills had improved, and she was also more confident and eager. She cupped his balls and licked each one in turn. She swirled her tongue on the tip of his head and them went down on his shaft with a gulp. She figured out how to time her mouth and hand to move together, pushing down and then slurping back up for air before diving again. Soon she had him at full mast. If she had continued, he might have even cum in the back of her throat. But he pulled her away first. He had his mind set on his ultimate prize.

On top of the TV was a video camcorder. Three chords ran from it into the TV. He had been playing back and watching old video tapes with the camera, like a VCR. He turned on the camera, and switched the TV channel. Whatever was now in view of the camera was displayed on the TV screen. It pointed it back at his Lazy-boy chair. Then he sat back in his reclined, now naked, with his big cock pointing up to the ceiling.

He motioned for Robin to step over to him and sit on his lap. Sitting on top of him on the chair, she could now see herself on the TV screen. She'd never seen herself on screen. She looked, in a way, like a TV star. She wondered if the camera was recording. He instructed her to draw up her long legs, so she was almost crouching over him. That way he could hold up his cock to her, much like the Coke bottle, and she could slowly lower herself down.

When she felt the tip of his cockhead pressing to her back entrance, she rolled her hips around, hoping to smear some of the Vaseline around on his tip to help lubricate it.  this seemed to drive him wild and he was moaning as she rolled her hips on his cock. She then felt his hand guide her lower.  Like the Coke bottle, the resistance was in the first inch. Pressing down as hard as she could, the cockhead still seemed too large to possibly fit. The Coke bottle had already lubed and loosened her, but still, the penis was larger, and she was being stretched further than she'd ever been stretched.  "It hurts," she cried out.

Dennis didn't release her, though, he kept pressing upward with his cock as his hands guided her hips deeper onto his shaft. Her muscles were so tight and stretched as far as they could and still only the very tip was in. "Breathe," he told her.

"I'm trying, I'm trying," she sobbed. She really was trying. So much depended on this.

This was the point when Larry's wife would give up. Often it'd end in a fight. But Robin wasn't giving up. She was committed to making it work. She shifted her hips, opened her legs more, and forced herself down further. Her body burned with the strain. Then, finally, the cockhead pushed past teh ring of sphincter muscles, and slid up and into her anal canal.

She screamed, partially in pain, but also in a power new sensation of being filled up. She had to wait to allow herself to get used to the feeling. She felt like she was being impaled.

She braced her hands behind her on the chair's arms, and adjusted her feet, so her legs were open and wide and her hip pointed up to the ceiling; this gave her enough leverage to be able to move her butt up and down on his shaft. It was slow at first, but as they found a rhythm, she could start controlling the stokes and the depth. She had at least 5 inches inside her, and with each push down, she was taking  a little more. She had grown up riding horses, and so her thigh and butt and abdominal muscles were strong.She could keep this up for hours.

What turned her on the most, was seeing herself in the TV screen. The camera was pointed right at her. On top of the TV it was about level with her crotch, and she could see her long open legs, her triangle of hair, her open pussy, gleaming with sexual juices, Vaseline, and sweat. And, for the first time in her life, she could see the sight of a penis buried deep in her back hole. She was fascinated by the sight of it sliding in and out and her butt riding up and down on it. She could see that she was taking more of it, and had almost reached his balls with each push down. She must have 7" inside her, she guessed. She lvoed the sight of her vagina. She thought it looked pretty and womanly. She felt like a woman, not like a kid anymore. She was doing something only mature women did she told herself. She was doing it out of love and for our future. She felt very sexual and powerful and in command of her body. The pain had subsided and her ass had molded itself to accommodate Larry's cock. She was riding it now with zeal. She could see her breasts flopping with each bounce and her hair flying like a mad woman.

She thought he was on the verge of cumming and was riding harder and faster on his cock. Then he stopped her and repositioned. He bent her over the chair and squared his hips behind her. He told her to reach behind her and spread her cheeks so he could put it back into her. She spread them and she felt him spit into her ass for extra lube. Then she felt his cock push in slowly but firmly. This time her body was opened, lubed, and ready. He slid right in. Bent over, she could take him deeper, and felt, for the first time, his cock slide in her all the way. His balls slapped against her furry labia.

With slow but steady strokes he began to ass fuck her doggy style. With each push, her breasts and face were shoved into the chair. She was grunting with each thrust, filled up and stretched completely.

No longer needing both her hands for balance, she was able to wiggle one hand free and slide it between her legs. As he pounded her in the back, her fingers quickly found her swollen clitoris. She began to rub herself and quickly felt the familiar sensation of a building orgasm. She knew Larry couldn't last much longer. He was fucking her as hard as he could. Sweat was dripping from him and he was breathing hard. She knew she'd cum soon, and the more she rubbed her clitoris, the closer she got. The orgasm was lifting her on waves of pleasure. It was intensified by the fullness of the cock in her butt, and enhanced by the mental aspect of it too. She was doing something very naughty, taboo even, and it was feeling great. Her slender fingers were working her pussy as Larry fucked her hard in the back. She thought she coudl give him one more gift, a little surprise she knew he wasn't expecting. She started giving him dirty talk, guessing that it would push him over the edge. "That's it, Larry," she cooed. "That's it. Give it to me." Her voice was breathy. She hadn't watched any porn, so she didn't know how those actresses sounded, but she had watched Marylin Monroe movies, so, she tried to call out to Larry in her best Marilyn Monroe voice, "Fuck me in the ass, Larry. Shoot your cum in my ass."

This did it for him and with her sexy urging, he began to shoot his load into her ass. Robin squealed, and rubbing her clit, started to cum, too. This caused her butt muscles to clench and spasm, which seemed to milk the cum from Larry's cock even more. They were both shaking uncontrollably, until they collapsed into a sweaty, sticky heap. His spent cock slackened and slipped out of her now red ass. She would be sore the next day, but at the moment, she felt only aftershocks of a surging climax. She also felt deeply content that she had delivered on her side of the deal.

Larry did just as he promised. He packed up and move to Yuma. He arranged with the owner to put me in charge of his job. As he had predicted, Robin was able to do all the admin for the work, while I did the heavier mainanence. Eventually, I did get a full time job. And, as we'd hoped, we began a saving account. Things felt like the happiest we'd ever been. I thought our life was picture perfect. And for the most part, it was.

The only problem was that Robin had been making a few rent deals on her own. The apartment was pretty close to the college, and occasionally, a single handsome young guy would move in. Students were always struggling with rent, and unknown to me, Robin was discounting late fees in exchange for   some sexual action. This was never all at once, but here and there over several years.

Eventually, as it was bound to happen, I found out about it. I was furious and hurt at the time. We fought. A lot. She finally admitted everything, and told me every last detail about Larry and how it all started. I think in her mind, telling me everything was going to absolve her. It would prove to me her devotion and sacrifice to make our early marriage work. I didn't see it that way. After a few months, she moved out.

I haven't seen her for several years now. Some say she is married with kids. Some say she moved to Yuma to find Larry. I don't know. All I know is what I have: the memory of Robin, and Larry's old job.

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