Sunday, September 30, 2012

Polaroid Find: Ahead of Her Time

What an incredible Polaroid find: a young woman with a 1980s hair-style on a 1970s couch, wood panel walls. Lingerie. She has an old-school 1970/80s torpedo vibrator. My guess: the year is 1987-1989.

I wonder who she is, and who is taking the pictures with the Polaroid. Snap, whoosh, and then wait for the image to appear. At the time, before digital, Polaroids were the one way to take a photo without sending your film to a lab. It allowed people to capture more "private"moments. We take it for granted today, but back then, these images were incredibly ground-breaking hard-core sexy. People didn't have the internet to copy thousands of others. 

Perhaps she has been looking at some Hustlers, the most graphic of the porn mags, or perhpas she'd watched The Devil in Ms Jones. She probably hadn't seen a lot of hard-core porn, but she was far ahead of her time, and shaved herself totally bare. Not only that, she spreads herself wide and plunges the vibrator into her butt, giving the camera the view that was practically unseen back then. A bold, open, and wanton look at sex and self-pleasure. 

She looks so focused, and self-absorbed in the monent. Not even making eye contact with the camera. Lost in her pleasure. Truly enjoying what she's doing. I imagine her climax was hard, and powerful, and very very satisfying. And the photographer, luckily, was there to capture it.

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