Saturday, September 29, 2012

Her Secret, Her Wall Toy

I dated a girl Kelly for a little while. She lived with her dog in a small apartment that had been converted from the second story of an old house. 

We never dated very much. Maybe I just wasn't into her as much as I should have been. Maybe it was her dog. A super needy golden retriever who was always slobbering and jamming his nose in your crotch.

In this blog, I told the story of the time we were sitting in her living room, trying to watch a movie, when her dog came in packing a large dildo like a rubber chew toy. Apparently, she had been masturbating with it right before I came over. When I knocked on her door, she shoved the vibrator, still warm and wet under her pillow, and went downstairs to let me in. We then sat in her living room and started the movie. The dog, not getting enough direct attention, started looking around the house for a slobbery tennis ball or chew toy so we could play fetch with him. In an attempt to get him to settle down, Kelly had hidden his tennis ball and chew toys. She overlooked the dildo, however, which the dog easily sniffed out and packed proudly into the living room.

We turned to see the dog with the flesh-colored dildo in his mouth, and his tail wagging eagerly, ready for a game of fetch. He as so pleased with himself that he'd finally found a toy.

Kelly was mortified. She apologized, snatched the dildo from her dog, and quickly went to her room to lock it away.

She came back several minutes later. I'd paused the movie, but it had been too embarrassing for her to resume it. So we ended up taking her dog for a walk. The dumb thing got his way after all.

But as we walked, I started to think of Kelly in a new way. I'd seen the large dildo, and I never would have guessed that she had bought it for herself and actually used it. I'd only seen dildos like that in porn.  Did a girl really insert a 10" dong into her? And it had a suction-cup base. Did she stick it onto flat surfaces, like door jams, and back herself onto it, I wondered.

She seemed like such a sweet, innocent girl. A tiny bit chubby, in fact, and from the Midwest. I think literally Kansas. By profession, she was a social worker. I had such an All-American girl image of her, that it was powerfully shocking and thrilling to picture her in her apartment, naked, using her toy.  I pictured all the places in her house. Where had she fucked herself with her toy? Had she stuck it to her fridge? Or the door jam of the bathroom, right in the front hall?

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