In the Simpson's Movie, Homer, Marge and the family have to flee to Alaska. There, they settle into a new life in a log cabin. They adjust quickly: the kids play outside, sledding and having snowball fights. And Marge gets extra sexually inspired.
Maybe it's the cozy cabin, or maybe that Homer is more rugged and manly in Alaska than he had been back at his daily grind in Springfield. Or maybe it's the danger and thrill of being on the lamb. Maybe all of the above. Marge, who usually lets her blue blush grow naturally, shaves it all off. She wears her see-thru nightie around the cabin. When Homer and Marge have special date night (they find a local sitter for the kids), Marge pours wine and offers Homer doughnuts and beer. The doughnuts and beer get him in the mood, and when Marge drink wine, she always loses control. They have some of the best sex of their marriage in that Alaskan cabin.
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